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[[page of arithmetic problems]]
[[Row 1]] 6+1/7 16+1/17 5+2/7 15+2/17 4+3/7 14+3/17 3+4/7
[[Row 2]] 13+4/17 2+5/7 12+5/17 1+6/7 11 6/17 10+7/17 9+8/17
[[Row 3]] 8+9/17 7+10/17 1+5/6 3+6/8 2+5/7 4+5/9 6+5/11
[[Row 4]] 8+5/13 7+5/12 9+5/14 1+5/6 2+5/7 7 5/12 8 5/13 
[[Row 5]] 3 5/8 4 5/9 8 8/16 2 13/15 6 6/12 10 1/11 8 2/10 6 5/11
[[Row 6]] 3 6/9 9 2/11 11 2/13 1 8/9 9 2/11 6 1/7
[[Row 7]] 10 10/20 8 8 2/10 12 2/40