Viewing page 12 of 201

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[[underlined]] GORING COLLECTION [[/underlined]]

[[underlined]] TRIP NO. 4 [[/underlined]] - BERCHTESGADEN TO MUNICH - 28 JULY 1945

[[underlined]] TRUCK NO.22 [[/underlined]]

[[underlined]] 29 [[/underlined]] SCULPTURES; 2 CASES

[[Left-hand column]]
[[Circled letter A]] ] SCULPTURE NO.- 96 
                           "      " - 88
                           "      " - 151
                           "      " - 197
                           "      " - 157
                           "      " - 62
                           "      " - 55
                           "      " - 57
                           "      " - 42
                           "      " - 39
                           "      " - 86
                           "      " - 53
                           "      " - 52
                           "      " - 56
                           "      " - 59
                           "      " - 18
                           "      " - 58
                           "      " - 95
                           "      " - 17
                           "      " - 12
                           "      " - 177
                           "      " - 4
                           "      " - 15
                           "      " - 54
                           "      " - 6
                           "      " - 27
                           "      " - 180
                           "      " - 68
                           "      " - 181
[[End column]]

[[Page right]]
[[Circled letter - B]] - CASE I FROM ROOM #8
                         CONTENTS - MISCELLANEOUS
                       - CASE II - FROM ROOM #8
                         CONTENTS MISCELLANEOUS
[[end page]]