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[[margin]] Sept. [[underlined]] 20 [[/underlined]] [[/margin]] From Beaumont we went to Pasadena - S.P. D. [[underlined]] Dolgeville [[/underlined]] where we saw the mills - a warm country to make comfort for cold frostburn toes! On the train from Beaumont we heard a mother of a tuberculosis boy talking to a father of a tuberculosis girl!
[[margin]] Tuberculosis tragedies [[/margin]]
The mother was 'a school teacher' [[image - footnote symbol]] with another boy she had an anxious eye on. They had been in Banning for the summer where her sick son ^ [[insertion]] half way through an engineering course [[/insertion]] was sleeping on a screened porch.  The doctor says "he's held his own this summer." "His fever'll be high this afternoon - he did not want us to come". Then she told gratefully how the doctor had come before she left and talked to the boy to keep his courage up & was going to sit with him afterwards. He'll get well there if he could anywhere - brave, bright, cheery - but oh the anguish in her eyes when - so full of it that she must talk, even to strangers, she says - "we talk about his [[underlined]] getting well [[/underlined]] - we ^ [[insertion]] try to [[/insertion]] think about [[underlined]] that [[/underlined]] !"
Her grim courage of the two - or the bright-eyed woman and the gaunt collarless, white haired man were heartbreaking.  Another mother 6 [[insertion]] looked [[/insertion]] with anguish in 
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[[image - footnote symbol]] leaving her son with her sister & coming back to school