Viewing page 3 of 21

This transcription has been completed. Contact us with corrections.

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[[underlined]] 1890 Wells, Nevada [[/underlined]]

Oct. 17
Corvus, 1_40 
one killed & skinned.
Otacaris, com
Sturnella, a few

" [[ditto for: Oct.]] 19
Jack Snipe 1.
Sturnella 1.

" [[ditto for: Oct.]] 20
[[underlined]] To Deeth [[/underlined]] [[strikethrough]] 15° [[/strikethrough]]

21 [[underlined]] To Halleck, [[/underlined]]  [[strikethrough]] 18° [[/strikethrough]] 15°
Pica p. hudsonica, com
Scolecophagus cyanocephalus, [[superscript]] 2 [[/superscript]] 4
Otocoris, com, in flocks
Ravens, a few -
Sage grouse, 12,
Tamias pictus, abn -

Transcription Notes:
Place names checked. Latin names checked. One's I can't find transcribed as [[?]]