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After placing a towel on a small table, put out all instruments to be used, including a pillow, on which to rest the hand.

1-Begin with little finger of left hand, and file nails in shape desired( The Oval being the most popular).

2- Roll a bit of cotton on the pointed ed of the orangewood stick, and dip into the Cuticle Ice, then apply to the nails of the left hand,

3-Loosen the Cuticle of each nail of the left hand, that is,push it back gently, with the blount end of the orangewood stick.

4-Put a small amount of Cuticle Softener in a finger bowl, nearly filled with water ( A good toilet soap can be used instead) and soak the nails of the left hand in this solution, while [[strikethrough]] -filling [[/strikethrough]] filing the nails of the right hand. Then treat the fingers of the right hand in the same manner as mentioned in step 2 and 3.

5-While soaking the fingers of the right hand, clean under the nails of the left hand, using the orangewood stick as in step2 dipped in peroxide and pumice powder, being very careful not to rub the pumice powder on the top of the nails.

6-Treat the nails of the right hand in same manner as left, m mentioned in step 5.
7-With the nail brush in lather wash or scrub the nails of left hand back to the knuckles.

8-Treat the nails of the right hand the sameas mentioned in step 7.

9-Finish the nails of the left hand by putting a small amount of rouge on the nails, draw the buffer lightly across the nails five or six times using a backward and forward motion. With the emery board go around the outside of the nails. Examine nails thoroly and should hang nails appear, cut them away with the Cuticle Scissors.  Then with the second buffer, put on the finishing polish.

10-Finish up nails of right hand the same way as mentioned in step 9.


[[two columns - first column]]
Cuticle and Nail Scissors
Flexible steel File
Emery Boards
Orangewood Sticks
Lustr-Ite Nail Whitener
Cake and powder form
Three hand towels
Cuticle Softener(powder)
Five -elven minutes for one hand.
[[/first column]]

[[second column]]
Powered Pumice
Rouge(Pink Paste)
Tw Two Buffers
Cuticle Ice
Nail Brush and Bowl
One Pillow 5x8
[[/second column]]