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With the middle of the right hand, give the rotary motion across the forehead 15 times, allowing the fingers fo the left hand to rest on the head.

Then with the middle of finger of right hand, give the zig zag motion across the forehead 15 times.

Place first two fingers of each hand on right cheek with tips of thumbs of each, manipulate the cheek (using alternately the thumbs first thr right, then the left) 15 times.

Circle under the eye, begining with the middle finger of right hand, at the outer corner, work to the bridge of the nose ,then back to the outer corner, letting the fifth stroke go over the eyelid.

Give the rotary motion under the eye with the middle finger of the right hand, 15 times.

Then pat under the eye with the middle finger of right hand 15 times, give the rotary motion on crow-foot corner of eye by placing the first finger of the left hand enclosed in a towel on the right temple, and with the middle finger of the right hand give a rotary motion from the corner of the eye back to the temples 15 times, treat left eye in same manner.

Then give the zig zag motion across the crow-foot 15 times.

With the middle finger of right hand give the rotary motion at each side of the nose ( or crevices of nose) 15 times.

Then with middle finger and thumbs of the right hand stroke up the nose 15 times.

From the bridge of the nose to the edge of the hair, give the rotary motion across the forehead.

Place the middle finger and thumb of right hand on sides ofchin and draw fingers upward, allowing the first finger to fall on the upper lip, Work the chin in same manner allowing the first finger to fall in center of chin 15 times.

Have the customer fill her jaws full of wind, then pinch the cheek and chin 15 times--lightly.