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USNM Curators Annual Report - Department of Reptiles, Annual Report 1882

Apart from the very challenging handwriting of what might be a rushed letter to the Assistant Director of the United States National Museum, H. C. Yarrow's report of the work of the Department of Reptiles for 1882 is quite legible and organized in comparison to some of the other departments' reports. Please join other volunteers in this transcription effort. The latter pages might help to get a sense of Yarrow's unique penmanship.

Browse projects by Smithsonian Institution Archives

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5 Contributing members
USNM Curators Annual Report - Department of Reptiles: Annual Report, 1881

The handwriting in this brief report from H. C. Yarrow to the United States National Museum Assistant Director G. Brown Goode is a bit challenging to read. The last two pages are written in a different hand altogether. Your contributions to this transcription help make this report and those that will follow more accessible to researchers, citizen scientists and people all over the world.

Browse projects by Smithsonian Institution Archives

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6 Contributing members
USNM Curators Annual Report - Department of Reptiles: Annual Report, 1883

What does Teddy Roosevelt have to do with reptiles and the Smithsonian? Help us transcribe this brief annual report from honorary curator H. C. Yarrow to learn about the contributions from the future United States President. The report includes a special note to ensure the Museum's Assistant Director would file it under the correct year.

Browse projects by Smithsonian Institution Archives

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8 Contributing members
USNM Curators Annual Report - Department of Reptiles: Annual Report, 1884

How do you build a museum full of high-quality collections useful not only for general education, but also for extensive research from which to further increase our understanding of the world? Many naturalists who had amassed their own personal collections were glad to see a National Museum move forward in the early 1880's. The year 1884 proved to be a very good year for the Department of Reptiles among others. Honorary Curator H. C. Yarrow's succinct report covers the *many* highlights. Please help us transcribe this typescript report to make it accessible for advanced searching.

Browse projects by Smithsonian Institution Archives

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USNM Curators Annual Report - Department of Reptiles: Annual Report, January-June 1885

This report covers the last half of the 1885 fiscal year, the honorary curator having been requested to submit a follow-up report to his earlier report of work accomplished in 1884. Please help us transcribe the details of this report.

Browse projects by Smithsonian Institution Archives

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9 Contributing members
USNM Curators Annual Report - Department of Reptiles: Annual Reports, 1886 & 1887

With the United States National Museum just five years old, the donation of reptile specimens increased noticeably. Specimens from Russia, Colombia, Mexico, Korea, the Caribbean and locations across the United States arrived in 1886 and 1887. Despite this boon, curator H. C. Yarrow still had some long-standing concerns. Join other volunteers to help us transcribe these reports from 1886 and 1887.

Browse projects by Smithsonian Institution Archives

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8 Contributing members
USNM Curators Annual Report - Dept.of Birds, Osteology - Monthly Reports, 1882

What was it like to receive specimens from ornithologists across the continent and beyond in 1882? How do you go about processing and organizing hundreds of bird skeletons that were prepared for shipment at the campsites and other temporary accommodations across the continent? Join us in the transcription of the monthly reports of honorary curator R. W. Shufeldt during the early years of the United States National Museum.

Browse projects by Smithsonian Institution Archives

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12 Contributing members
USNM Curators Annual Report - Division of Aeronautics, 1946-47

The Smithsonian has had to tackle some interesting storage issues in its 170 year history--like where would you find space for something that had actually been to space? The iconic missiles of Rocket Row found a home at the National Air and Space Museum (NASM)! Learn the story behind NASM's incredible collection with these out-of-this-world Division of Aeronautics curator's reports, 1946-47. These reports document the beginning and development of the museum, as well as how curators collected objects during World War II. Join other digital volunteers in transcribing a unique piece of Smithsonian history!

Browse projects by Smithsonian Institution Archives

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5 Contributing members
USNM Curators Annual Report - Foods and Textiles, 1883

Two years after the opening of the United States National Museum in 1881, its Sections of Foods and Textiles submitted this report of activities along with thoughts on the focus to which efforts should be directed in the year to come, such as the work on Indian Foods. It includes a monthly report for November 1883. Please help us transcribe this first in a series of Foods and Textiles reports and make the contents easier for researchers to access.

Browse projects by Smithsonian Institution Archives

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7 Contributing members
USNM Curators Annual Report - Foods and Textiles, 1884

How do you get someone to appreciate the significance of your accomplishments? R. Hitchcock, curator of Foods and Textiles, recalls the state of affairs in 1880 "at which time there was a large accumulation of material ... which was stowed away in drawers and boxes." From these humble beginnings, he goes on to outline the work accomplished in 1884. Please join us and other digital volunteers in transcribing his account of the curation, research and other activities of these Sections of the United States National Museums.

Browse projects by Smithsonian Institution Archives

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15 Contributing members
USNM Curators Annual Report - Foods and Textiles, 1885

Understanding foods and textiles isn't quite complete without also considering the equipment used to plant, process or produce these items. The first semi-annual curators report of 1885 begins with the acquisition of a Whitney cotton gin by the Foods and Textiles Sections of the United States National Museum. Please help us transcribe these reports and learn about the growing museum collections in curator R. Hitchcock's own words.

Browse projects by Smithsonian Institution Archives

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47 Total pages
19 Contributing members
USNM Curators Annual Report - Graphic Arts, 1888 - 1889

How does one go about changing popular opinion? Graphic Arts curator S. R. Koehler begins his annual report by describing how the general public viewed graphic arts in the 1880's and the educational opportunities the United States National Museum had to expose Americans to a different perspective. Join us as, together with digital volunteers, we transcribe Koehler's annual report to make it more accessible to scholars and other researchers.

Browse projects by Smithsonian Institution Archives