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Zarina Hashmi Papers, Clippings and Press, 2000-2013

Zarina Hashmi (1937-2020), known professionally as Zarina, was a New York-based artist specializing in printmaking, drawing, and sculpture. Born in Aligarh, India, Zarina studied mathematics before discovering printmaking and papermaking in the 1960s. She studied intaglio with Stanley William Hayter at Atelier 17 in Paris, and woodblock printing at Toshi Yoshida Studio in Tokyo. Through her art, Hashmi explored themes of geographical and social borders, migration, and home, often incorporating text in her native Urdu.

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Zarina Hashmi Papers, Lectures, 2001-2011

Zarina Hashmi (1937-2020), known professionally as Zarina, was a New York-based artist specializing in printmaking, drawing, and sculpture. Born in Aligarh, India, Zarina studied mathematics before discovering printmaking and papermaking in the 1960s. She studied intaglio with Stanley William Hayter at Atelier 17 in Paris, and woodblock printing at Toshi Yoshida Studio in Tokyo. Through her art, Hashmi explored themes of geographical and social borders, migration, and home, often incorporating text in her native Urdu.

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Zarina Hashmi Papers, Professional Correspondence, 1991-2013

Zarina Hashmi (1937-2020), known professionally as Zarina, was a New York-based artist specializing in printmaking, drawing, and sculpture. Born in Aligarh, India, Zarina�tudied mathematics before discovering printmaking and papermaking in the 1960s. She studied intaglio with Stanley William Hayter at Atelier 17 in Paris,�nd woodblock printing at Toshi Yoshida Studio in Tokyo. Through her art, Hashmi explored�hemes of geographical and social borders, migration, and home, often incorporating text in her native Urdu.

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Zenos R. Miller World War I Diaries - Diary 1

Zenos R. Miller was a pilot with the 27th Aero Squadron of the United States Air Service during World War I. Miller was credited with shooting down four German aircraft before he was shot down on July 16, 1918. He was held as a prisoner of war at Landshut and Villingen before he was freed by the Armistice in November of 1918. Miller returned to the United States and was studying at Harvard Medical School when he decided to undertake a transcontinental flight during the summer of 1922. He died during the first leg of the trip when his aircraft crashed.

Browse projects by Smithsonian National Air and Space Museum Archives

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Zenos R. Miller World War I Diaries - Diary 2

Zenos R. Miller was a pilot with the 27th Aero Squadron of the United States Air Service during World War I. Miller was credited with shooting down four German aircraft before he was shot down on July 16, 1918. He was held as a prisoner of war at Landshut and Villingen before he was freed by the Armistice in November of 1918. Miller returned to the United States and was studying at Harvard Medical School when he decided to undertake a transcontinental flight during the summer of 1922. He died during the first leg of the trip when his aircraft crashed.

Browse projects by Smithsonian National Air and Space Museum Archives