Browse Projects

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196 Total pages
370 Contributing members
Arthur W. Stelfox - Diary from 16th May 1948 till 18th Sept. 1949, vol. 17

This journal of Arthur Stelfox sees him a little closer to his base of Dublin, Ireland, making excursions to County Kildare, south of his home city, for his collecting. But one of the most fascinating mentions in this diary is his meeting in Phoenix Park with a young woman. A friend from Oxford had asked that he demonstrate how to collect insect specimens to this natural sciences student. Stelfox was clearly committed to the transmission of his acquired knowledge to future generations—an inspiring quality in any individual! Join your fellow volunpeers in helping Stelfox acheive that goal by transcribing his journal!

Browse projects by Smithsonian Institution Archives

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223 Total pages
267 Contributing members
Arthur W. Stelfox - Diary from 21st Sept. 1949 till, vol. 18

Arthur Stelfox, Irish naturalist, was a conscientious observor and meticulous record-keeper, judging from his field notebooks—detailed descriptions of collecting locations and associated weather precede each list of specimens. Stelfox has carefully marked the year in beautifully shaded serif-style characters (keep an eye out for these!), adding an element of beauty to an otherwise functional item. His handwriting, in relatively faint pencil, can be challenging to read, but you faithful volunpeers are more than capable of decoding his records! Dig in with us.

Browse projects by Smithsonian Institution Archives

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195 Total pages
173 Contributing members
Arthur W. Stelfox - Diary from 28th May 1946 till 12th May 1948, vol. 16

Arthur Stelfox, one of our most beloved Archives contributors, worked primarily out of his home base in Dublin, Ireland. This diary begins with a journey southwest into Kerry, a windswept coastal county that is home to ancient castles and churches, as well as some of the most picturesque scenery in the country. Stelfox's meticulous observations and poetic language make reading his journals a delight—though his handwriting can induce feelings in the opposite direction! Join your fellow volunpeers with an excursion into the countryside of Stelfox's Ireland.

Browse projects by Smithsonian Institution Archives

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189 Total pages
126 Contributing members
Arthur W. Stelfox - Diary of excursions, captures of insects, etc, (chiefly hymenoptera), 1942-1943

Want a transcription project that is a real challenge? There are plenty of scientific names of species, the handwriting is light, and the last letter in a word may just drift off. In other words, Irish naturalist Arthur Wilson Stelfox (1883-1972) recorded his field notes for his own reference. Getting used to his handwriting style will take a little effort. Still, we hope you will accept the challenge to transcribe the thirteenth volume of field notes from his daily excursions, this time covering a full year from the fall of 1942 to September 1943. Keep in mind, if you aren't sure about a word or species name, you can simply save the page. Another volunteer will come along and give it a go. It's all about teamwork!

Browse projects by Smithsonian Institution Archives

100% Complete

178 Total pages
183 Contributing members
Arthur W. Stelfox - Diary of excursions, captures of insects, etc, (chiefly hymenoptera), Vol. 12, January 1941 - September 1942

Join Irish entomologist Arthur W. Stelfox on his excursions throughout the suburbs and surrounds of Dublin in the early 1940s, collecting mainly specimens of the order Hymenoptera, which includes wasps, bees, and ants. Narrative passages detailing his routes, the weather, and circumstances of his collecting alternate with detailed lists of specimens. His handwriting can be tricky, but with the aid of your fellow volunpeers, you can help make his notes accessible online. Enjoy deciphering the quintessentially Irish names of some of Stelfox's collecting locations!

Browse projects by Smithsonian Institution Archives

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173 Total pages
211 Contributing members
Arthur W. Stelfox - Diary of excursions, captures of insects, etc. Vol. 11

Four years after joining the National Museum of Ireland as an assistant naturalist working on hymenoptera, Arthur Wilson Stelfox (1883-1972) had gained standing in the community as an authority in several areas of Ireland's natural history. He was placed in charge of the Museum's complete zoological collections. In this role, he was often called upon to identify specimens uncovered at prehistoric sites. However, despite his many responsibilities, Stelfox made time for field trips to observe and collect his own specimens. Join in with other volunteers to transcribe this diary of excursions taken between January 1940 and mid July the following year.

Browse projects by Smithsonian Institution Archives

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114 Total pages
189 Contributing members
Arthur W. Stelfox - Diary of hymenoptera, other insects, plants, August 1952 - August 1953, vol. 20

Look closely at each of Arthur Stelfox's field notebooks and you will see many things—evidence of a dedicated and passionate scientist, for one—but perhaps the most noteworthy is the sheer volume of work undertaken by Stelfox, and a sense of the contribution he made to the world of natural history. You, our steadfast volunpeers, are contributing to Stelfox's legacy by making his work more widely accessible. Thank you, and happy transcribing!

Browse projects by Smithsonian Institution Archives

100% Complete

111 Total pages
146 Contributing members
Arthur W. Stelfox - Diary of hymenoptera, other insects, plants, etc., 23rd August 1953 until 25th July 1954, vol. 21

One of the biggest challenges of consulting records—and certainly, of transcribing them—is how age and deterioration can make them more difficult to read. Factors like cramped or illegible handwriting are exacerbated by fading of ink or rubbing away of pencil, darkening and yellowing of paper, or discoloration caused by specimens, acidic interleaving, or leather and adhesive staining. This latest project from Arthur Stelfox's papers, unfortunately, is particularly hard to read given its deteriorated state. Stelfox's field notes can already be daunting, but think of how many of them you, our faithful volunpeers, have already skilfully transcribed! We appreciate your eagle eyes and enthusiasm. Go team!

Browse projects by Smithsonian Institution Archives

100% Complete

191 Total pages
129 Contributing members
Arthur W. Stelfox - Diary of hymenoptera, other insects, plants, etc., Vol. 14, September 1943 - August 1944

Ready for another Arthur W. Stelfox challenge? This time his field diary takes us from September of 1943 through August of 1944 as he collects specimens in the vicinity of Dublin, Ireland (Phoenix Park, one of the largest urban parks in Europe, is shouted out—see if you can spot the mention!). While Stelfox's main focus is on the study and collection of Hymenoptera, a group that includes bees, ants, and wasps, observations on local flora and other insects are sprinkled throughout—as is his commentary on the weather. While the light pencil and slanted, unique handwriting look formidable, we are confident you and your fellow volunpeers are up to the task!

Browse projects by Smithsonian Institution Archives

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151 Total pages
124 Contributing members
Arthur W. Stelfox - Scotland, 1951 and Ireland 1952, Vol. 19

This journal of Arthur Stelfox's begins with a journey to Scotland—a step just outside of his normal stomping grounds in Ireland—and is notewothy for also including specimens alongside his written observations. Doubtless many of our veteran volunpeers have encountered collected specimens in other projects, but if this is your first time, take note of the careful notation and preparation in evdience. Field scientists like Stelfox were meticulous and supremely dedicated to their work, and their efforts demonstrate this. Enjoy this latest project digging into Stelfox's work!

Browse projects by Smithsonian Institution Archives

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184 Total pages
187 Contributing members
Arthur W. Stelfox - Volume 10, Diary, 1938-1939

Despite his lifelong study of nature, Arthur Wilson Stelfox's (1883-1972) early career was as an architect. It was only in 1920, when he joined the staff of the National Museum of Ireland that his avocation became a profession. As Assistant Naturalist, he curated museum collections and delved further into his studies of hymenoptera. Field observation and collection of specimens were an essential part of this effort. In this volume of Stelfox's field notes, he bisects Ireland, traveling through Bunduff Strand on the western coast to areas southwest of Dublin. Join with other digital volunteers to transcribe his handwritten observations, recorded here along with the specmiens' location, sex, quantity, environment and sometimes the weather. IF you find his handwriting challenging, you might want to refer to an earlier Stelfox project for help.

Browse projects by Smithsonian Institution Archives

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1060 Total pages
301 Contributing members
Arthur Wilson Stelfox Papers, 1904-1967

Our thanks to the many volunpeers who are helping to transcribe the field notes of Arthur Wilson Stelfox (1883-1972), Irish naturalist and entomologist. Born in Belfast, Stelfox was working in architecture in Ireland and England when he began to also work in natural history. He came to serve as secretary of the Belfast Naturalists Field Club and, in 1920, he received appointment as Assistant Naturalist at the National Museum of Ireland in Dublin. Stelfox specialized in bees (Hymenoptera) and continued to build his private collections of following his retirement in 1948. He donated them to the Smithsonian in 1966. Transcribed field notes are below. You can also check out the finding aid for his personal papers at the Smithsonian Institution Archives.

Browse projects by Smithsonian Institution Archives