NMAH National Numismatic Collection, Chinese Banknotes

Transcribing National Museum of American History - National Numismatic Collection, Chinese Banknotes

请转录美国国家历史博物馆收藏文物 - 中国钞票


史密森尼国家钱币收藏集(NNC)是美国对货币和交易工具的收集。这个丰富的全球收藏集包含具有代表性的三千多年的人类历史珍贵藏品。成立于19纪中,NNC最早的收藏来自日本,韩国和中国的文物,包括日本明治天皇赠送给美国总统尤利塞斯·兰特的硬币和奖章,以及2025东亚硬币、护身符和George Bunker Glover的私人收藏文物(1897年收到)。这些捐送物是NNC东亚藏品集的基础,随后又收购了2017Howard F. Bowker系列。该收藏集继续增长。 


2017年至2018年期间,NNC将其8,000多份东亚硬币数字化,并提供在线公开访问为全球研究使用服务。 NNC现在正将明代至今的6000份中文笔记和纸质交易藏品数字化。数字化过程的主要挑战之一是将亚洲文字转录,音译和翻译。这对于NNC团队成员来说是十分困难的工作,无法有效地推进项目。为了继续快速分享这些藏品,我们需要您的帮助!



The Smithsonian's National Numismatic Collection (NNC) is America's collection of monetary and transactional objects. This diverse and expansive global collection contains objects that represent every inhabited continent and span more than three thousand years of human history.


Established in the mid-19th century, several of the earliest additions to the NNC were artifacts from Japan, Korea, and China, including coins and medals gifted to President Ulysses S. Grant from Japanese Emperor Meiji (received in 1881) and the 2,025 East Asian coins, amulets, and notes from George Bunker Glover’s private collection (received in 1897). These donations were the foundation of the NNC’s East Asian holdings, which continues to grow with new acquisitions, such as the Howard F. Bowker collection in 2017.


During 2017-2018, the NNC digitized more than 8,000 of its East Asian Coins, making them publicly accessible and available for research worldwide. The NNC is now working to digitize 6,000 Chinese notes and paper transactional objects that range from the Ming Dynasty to the present day.


One of the main challenges to the digitization process is the transcription of several Asian alphabets, which would increase accessibility and searchability for the many items in this collection. Sometimes this can be done quickly, but often the process is too lengthy for NNC team members to complete while moving the project forward efficiently. In order to continue to share these objects rapidly, we need your help! 


The digitization of the East Asian coins and Chinese banknotes would not have been possible without the generous support of the the Howard F. Bowker family and Michael Chou. 


Our Transcription & Review Process  我们的转录和审核流程









We seek to balance quality and speed with our transcription process; your feedback helps us improve our approach. At the moment, this is how our system works:

1) Anyone can start transcribing or add to a transcription of a document.

2) Once a volunteer decides they’ve “finished” and they’re ready for review, a different volunteer (who must have an account on the site) can review the transcription and either send it back for edits, or complete the transcription.

3) The finished transcript is sent to the Smithsonian, where it may be used immediately, or undergo additional work.


How to Transcribe the National Museum of American History Chinese Banknotes



If recording Chinese is your strength, please help us transcribe away! There are several methods for inputting Chinese characters. If your computer has the Chinese keyboard (for Chinese (Simplified) Pinyin or traditional Chinese) please simply type out the characters as you normally would, corresponding to what you see on the banknote. If your tablet or phone has a handwriting input keyboard for Chinese characters, go ahead and draw out the characters as you see them on each banknote. Please note that if you only have a Chinese (Simplified) Pinyin keyboard, but the banknote you are working on contains traditional (Orthodox or Seal) Chinese characters, you can use the corresponding simplified Chinese in your transcription. We simply ask that you note this in the notes field of the transcription page. If you are able, however, to transcibe the traditional Chinese, please do so!


Write like you read   像你读的那样写



Many of these objects have multiple languages on them, most commonly Chinese, Manchu, Arabic, and English. Always record what you see from top to bottom, but if it is read left to right (like English), top to bottom (like Chinese) or right to left (also like Chinese) record it as such.


Make sure you describe which side of the bank note you are transcribing 请您确认并标明钞票的正面与背面

请您确认并标明钞票的正面[Obverse text]与背面[Reverse text]。正面图像位于左侧或顶部,背面图像位于右侧或底部。我们还要求您如实抄写文字显示(如繁体字、简体字、英语字母大小写等。)


When you are recording the text or images on the banknotes, please note if you are recording the obverse or reverse of the note. Obverse images will be on the left or top and reverse images will be on the right or bottom. We also ask that you record text in the language you see it in and in CAPITAL LETTERS (see example image below). 



OPTIONAL: Including Additional Information on Images and Portraits on the Banknotes 包括关于钞票上的图像和肖像的补充信息

这些钞票中许多包含众所周知的人物,建筑物或肖像。当您遇到这些时,请在转录页下端的转录说明中描述这些 - 如果您知道这些,请详细说明。 NNC工作人员需要具体的标识和描述,所以不要简单地说[[image]]男人的肖像[[/ image]],如果你知道这个男人是谁请改为输入[[image]] 孙中山的肖像。[[/ image]]。如果您能够认识其它人物或内容,请通过正确的名称或标题



例如:[[Obverse image]]孙中山的半身朝左


示例:[[Reverse Image]]龙与凤凰




Many of these banknotes contain images or portraits of well-known individuals, buildings, and icons. If you can identify these images, feel free to share this information in the notes field of the transcription page. Please describe the images or portraits in very specific detail if you can. NNC staff are looking for specific identifications and descriptions, so instead of saying simply [[image]] Portrait of a man [[/image]], if you know who the man is please instead type [[image]] Portrait of Dr. Sun Yat-sen [[/image]]. If you are able to identify who/what is being depicted let us know with the proper name or title. You are also welcome to incldue any additional information, or translation, in the notes field of the page. 

Example: [[Obverse Image]] Bust of Sun Yat-sen facing left

Example: [[Reverse Image]] Dragon and Phoenix 

See example page below: 





OPTIONAL: Translation and Transliteration: 


Translation and transliteration of the Chinese language on these bank notes is not required. However, if you are able to translate and/or transliterate the language, please be sure to indicate that these are different than the transcription by using brackets. See example page (imaged below). 

PLEASE NOTE: you can include the translation and transliteration in the transcription box field OR the notes field--either is fine as long as you are indicating the text as [[translation]] or [[transliteration]].