"Moslem World & the U.S.A." was the first monthly journal about Islam in the United States. This work, edited by Abdul Basit Naeem, is from August/September 1956 and features articles by some of the most prominent Muslims of the time period, Malcom X and Elijah Muhammad. The pamphlet includes stories, editorials, sermons, and news of Muslims in America and throughout the world, including countries such as the U.S.S.R., Yemen, and India. Help us transcribe this work and take an inside look at Muslim life in America and around the world in the 1950s.
"Moslem World & the U.S.A." was the first monthly journal about Islam in the United States. This work, edited by Abdul Basit Naeem, is from August/September 1956 and features articles by some of the most prominent Muslims of the time period, Malcom X and Elijah Muhammad. The pamphlet includes stories, editorials, sermons, and news of Muslims in America and throughout the world, including countries such as the U.S.S.R., Yemen, and India. Help us transcribe this work and take an inside look at Muslim life in America and around the world in the 1950s.