At Harvard College Observatory (now the Center for Astrophysics | Harvard & Smithsonian), astronomers took photographs of space using telescopes; discovering satellites and researching stars, planets, and eclipses. Several of them made game-changing discoveries in astronomy and astrophysics. This notebook has been bumped up in the queue due to a special request from researchers at the Center for Astrophysics. They are interested in studying variable stars that change brightness over decade-long timescales. Though dense, this notebook captures the final reduced data of stellar brightnesses observed in the 1870s, information that can be used to extend the modern record. These reduced data are particularly useful to them because historical observations can be difficult to calibrate using the information available at the present day. Interested in the history of science? Love astronomy? Help us transcribe the work of the Harvard Observatory's women computers and early astronomers and see which stars shine the brightest. PLEASE NOTE: The Project PHaEDRA Instructions for Women Computers Notebooks were heavily revised and republished on August 18, 2023. Please take a moment to familiarize yourself with these instructions. Dr. Caroline Huang from the Center for Astrophysics presented on how she has used PHaEDRA volumes for her research and how she thinks this volume will be useful to astronomers.