Henry's personal record of his own scientific experiments began in the mid 1830's with Book 1 and continues with Book 2. This second volume documents experiments from 1839 to 1842, after he has completed a tour of European science centers where he extended his network of fellow scientists. Beginning with variations on an experiment in electromagnetism, this record reveals Henry's keen interest in a variety of scientific topics and their application.
Please help us transcribe these notes from an inventor and scientist who did much to raise the profile of science in America.
Henry's personal record of his own scientific experiments began in the mid 1830's with Book 1 and continues with Book 2. This second volume documents experiments from 1839 to 1842, after he has completed a tour of European science centers where he extended his network of fellow scientists. Beginning with variations on an experiment in electromagnetism, this record reveals Henry's keen interest in a variety of scientific topics and their application.
Please help us transcribe these notes from an inventor and scientist who did much to raise the profile of science in America.