James Eike field notebook: 11-14-82 to 1-26-83 then to 6-4-83

About the Project

The last of James W. Eike's field notebooks, this one captures his bird observations during the last three months of his life, November 1982 to January 1983. Always dedicated to documenting the birds in his area, Eike kept a daily list of the various birds mostly around his home on Newman Road in Fairfax, Virginia. It includes a clipping about the lunar eclipse that happened on December 29, 1982. Especially noteworthy, his wife Claire resumed his work about a month after his passing and included a note which begins "My dearly beloved, I'll keep trying to get a good list..." The observations often note the number and sex of the birds as well as weather information. ** Thank you to the volunteers who helped transcribe his field notes. **

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64 pages completed



