Notes from Cape Breton, Nova Scotia, 1900

About the Project

Are you an amateur fossil collector? Where a fossil is found, how many there are and what other types of fossils are present reveals important clues about life in that location and how it may have changed since then. S. Ward Loper headed off to Cape Breton, Nova Scotia in 1900 at the direction of United States Geological Survey (USGS) director Charles D. Walcott. Ward's charge - to study Cambrian geological formations in the area. Walcott himself became known for his contributions to geological stratigraphy, Cambrian geology and invertebrate paleontology, especially in the British Columbia Rockies and upstate New York. Help us transcribe the field notes of S. Ward Loper as he records his activities and findings in Cape Breton's Upper Leitches Creek, Barachois River, Marion Bridge, and McLean's Brook locales.

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32 pages completed



