Arthur W. Stelfox - Diary of excursions, captures of insects, etc, (chiefly hymenoptera), 1942-1943

About the Project

Want a transcription project that is a real challenge? There are plenty of scientific names of species, the handwriting is light, and the last letter in a word may just drift off. In other words, Irish naturalist Arthur Wilson Stelfox (1883-1972) recorded his field notes for his own reference. Getting used to his handwriting style will take a little effort. Still, we hope you will accept the challenge to transcribe the thirteenth volume of field notes from his daily excursions, this time covering a full year from the fall of 1942 to September 1943. Keep in mind, if you aren't sure about a word or species name, you can simply save the page. Another volunteer will come along and give it a go. It's all about teamwork!

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Project Progress (details)
189 pages completed



