
We found more than 1,000 search results. You may page through these first 1,000 results or further refine your search.
Image Page Project Title Museums and Archives Last Update Status Collections
Doris Holmes Blake - General correspondence, 1918-1949 and undated (asset image SIA-SIA2020-009083) SIA-SIA2020-009083 Doris Holmes Blake - General correspondence, 1918-1949 and undated Smithsonian Institution Archives October 10, 2020 Complete Search Smithsonian Collections
Doris Holmes Blake - Correspondence with Jack Donald Ullman, 1968-1977 (asset image SIA-SIA2021-003221) SIA-SIA2021-003221 Doris Holmes Blake - Correspondence with Jack Donald Ullman, 1968-1977 Smithsonian Institution Archives March 25, 2021 Complete Search Smithsonian Collections
Doris Holmes Blake - Correspondence with Mary Blake Thompson, 1929-1932 (asset image SIA-SIA2021-001602) SIA-SIA2021-001602 Doris Holmes Blake - Correspondence with Mary Blake Thompson, 1929-1932 Smithsonian Institution Archives March 9, 2021 Complete Search Smithsonian Collections
Doris Holmes Blake - General correspondence, 1918-1949 and undated (asset image SIA-SIA2020-009174) SIA-SIA2020-009174 Doris Holmes Blake - General correspondence, 1918-1949 and undated Smithsonian Institution Archives October 11, 2020 Complete Search Smithsonian Collections
Doris Holmes Blake - Miscellaneous family correspondence, 1918-1950 and undated (asset image SIA-SIA2021-003351) SIA-SIA2021-003351 Doris Holmes Blake - Miscellaneous family correspondence, 1918-1950 and undated Smithsonian Institution Archives March 25, 2021 Complete Search Smithsonian Collections
Doris Holmes Blake - Correspondence with Sidney Fay Blake, 1925-1936 (asset image SIA-SIA2020-001767) SIA-SIA2020-001767 Doris Holmes Blake - Correspondence with Sidney Fay Blake, 1925-1936 Smithsonian Institution Archives April 20, 2020 Complete Search Smithsonian Collections
Doris Holmes Blake - Correspondence with Sidney Fay Blake, 1925-1936 (asset image SIA-SIA2020-001807) SIA-SIA2020-001807 Doris Holmes Blake - Correspondence with Sidney Fay Blake, 1925-1936 Smithsonian Institution Archives April 20, 2020 Complete Search Smithsonian Collections
Doris Holmes Blake - General correspondence, 1918-1949 and undated (asset image SIA-SIA2020-009163) SIA-SIA2020-009163 Doris Holmes Blake - General correspondence, 1918-1949 and undated Smithsonian Institution Archives October 11, 2020 Complete Search Smithsonian Collections
Doris Holmes Blake - Correspondence with Doris S. Blake Ullman, undated (asset image SIA-SIA2021-003656) SIA-SIA2021-003656 Doris Holmes Blake - Correspondence with Doris S. Blake Ullman, undated Smithsonian Institution Archives February 1, 2023 Complete Search Smithsonian Collections
Doris Holmes Blake - General correspondence, 1918-1949 and undated (asset image SIA-SIA2020-009162) SIA-SIA2020-009162 Doris Holmes Blake - General correspondence, 1918-1949 and undated Smithsonian Institution Archives October 11, 2020 Complete Search Smithsonian Collections