
We found more than 1,000 search results. You may page through these first 1,000 results or further refine your search.
Image Page Project Title Museums and Archives Last Update Status Collections
Florence M. Bailey – Diary 1874 (asset image SIA-SIA2014-01958) SIA-SIA2014-01958 Florence M. Bailey – Diary 1874 Smithsonian Institution Archives October 27, 2017 Complete Search Smithsonian Collections
Edward Alphonso Goldman - Mexico, September 19 - November 28, 1896 (asset image SIA-SIA2017-038360) SIA-SIA2017-038360 Edward Alphonso Goldman - Mexico, September 19 - November 28, 1896 Smithsonian Institution Archives April 21, 2021 Complete Search Smithsonian Collections
Mary Robinson Conner Diaries, 1943-1957 (asset image NMAH-AC0475-0000318-186) NMAH-AC0475-0000318-186 Mary Robinson Conner Diaries, 1943-1957 Archives Center - NMAH August 25, 2020 Complete Search Smithsonian Collections
Reuben Tam Diary (Loose Pages), 1940-1941 (asset image AAA-AAA_tamreub_2744680) AAA-AAA_tamreub_2744680 Reuben Tam Diary (Loose Pages), 1940-1941 Archives of American Art May 18, 2020 Complete Search Smithsonian Collections
ANNAMAE BARLUP MYERS 1952 (asset image NMAH-AC0345-0000021-140) NMAH-AC0345-0000021-140 ANNAMAE BARLUP MYERS 1952 Archives Center - NMAH April 5, 2018 Complete Search Smithsonian Collections
Edmund Heller - Handwritten China journal, Vol. 5 of 5 (asset image SIA-SIA2016-011484) SIA-SIA2016-011484 Edmund Heller - Handwritten China journal, Vol. 5 of 5 Smithsonian Institution Archives October 27, 2017 Complete Search Smithsonian Collections
W.L. Judson diary (asset image EBLXY W.L. Judson diary Archives of American Art November 6, 2018 Complete Search Smithsonian Collections
Dove Diary, 1935 (asset image AAA-dovearth00087-000014) AAA-dovearth00087-000014 Dove Diary, 1935 Archives of American Art September 4, 2015 Complete Search Smithsonian Collections
Earl Shaffer's Cascade Crest Trail Hike Diary, 24 June 1963 (asset image NMAH-AC0828-0000027-23) NMAH-AC0828-0000027-23 Earl Shaffer's Cascade Crest Trail Hike Diary, 24 June 1963 Archives Center - NMAH October 27, 2017 Complete Search Smithsonian Collections
Dove Diary, 1926 (asset image AAA-dovearth00063-000002) AAA-dovearth00063-000002 Dove Diary, 1926 Archives of American Art July 24, 2015 Complete Search Smithsonian Collections