
We found more than 1,000 search results. You may page through these first 1,000 results or further refine your search.
Image Page Project Title Museums and Archives Last Update Status Collections
Mary Agnes Chase - Letters to A. S. Hitchcock, 1930 (asset image SIA-SIA2015-003602) SIA-SIA2015-003602 Mary Agnes Chase - Letters to A. S. Hitchcock, 1930 Smithsonian Institution Archives October 27, 2017 Complete Search Smithsonian Collections
Mary Robinson Conner Diaries, 1943-1957 (asset image NMAH-AC0475-0000318-104) NMAH-AC0475-0000318-104 Mary Robinson Conner Diaries, 1943-1957 Archives Center - NMAH August 25, 2020 Complete Search Smithsonian Collections
Sally K. Ride Papers - Two small notebooks containing Ride's notes from the Rogers Commission (asset image NASM-NASM.2014.0025-bx013-fd008_098) NASM-NASM.2014.0025-bx013-fd008_098 Sally K. Ride Papers - Two small notebooks containing Ride's notes from the Rogers Commission Smithsonian National Air and Space Museum Archives March 31, 2020 Complete Search Smithsonian Collections
ANNAMAE BARLUP MYERS 1931 (asset image NMAH-AC0345-0000001-14) NMAH-AC0345-0000001-14 ANNAMAE BARLUP MYERS 1931 Archives Center - NMAH December 7, 2017 Complete Search Smithsonian Collections
William Henderson Penhallow diary (asset image ECgtX William Henderson Penhallow diary Archives of American Art November 6, 2018 Complete Search Smithsonian Collections
Doris Holmes Blake - Correspondence with Arthur Lake Holmes and Lucy Wentworth Holmes, July - December 1932 (asset image SIA-SIA2020-006965) SIA-SIA2020-006965 Doris Holmes Blake - Correspondence with Arthur Lake Holmes and Lucy Wentworth Holmes, July - December 1932 Smithsonian Institution Archives July 14, 2020 Complete Search Smithsonian Collections
James Eike field notebook: 4-21-60 to 10-10-60 (asset image SIA-SIA2012-0113) SIA-SIA2012-0113 James Eike field notebook: 4-21-60 to 10-10-60 Smithsonian Institution Archives October 27, 2017 Complete Search Smithsonian Collections
Mary Agnes Chase - Letters to A. S. Hitchcock, 1930 (asset image SIA-SIA2015-003595) SIA-SIA2015-003595 Mary Agnes Chase - Letters to A. S. Hitchcock, 1930 Smithsonian Institution Archives October 27, 2017 Complete Search Smithsonian Collections
Doris Holmes Blake - Correspondence with Lucy Wentworth Holmes, November 1948 - May 1949 (asset image SIA-SIA2021-000801) SIA-SIA2021-000801 Doris Holmes Blake - Correspondence with Lucy Wentworth Holmes, November 1948 - May 1949 Smithsonian Institution Archives March 2, 2021 Complete Search Smithsonian Collections
Dove Diary, 1925 (asset image AAA-dovearth00025-000060) AAA-dovearth00025-000060 Dove Diary, 1925 Archives of American Art August 13, 2015 Complete Search Smithsonian Collections