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[[Image - Lion Passant]]
7 et 9, Rue de Castiglione
[[Image - Telephone]] OPERA 23-00
[[Image - Telegraph Pole]] OTELOTTI-PARIS

page four

there any need to sell as there was plenty of money.  I asked about Mss. and he said there were a great many discovered a few years ago in the loft of the stables by [[strikethrough]] the [[/strikethrough]] the father of the Graf, rescued from oblivion by him and put in charge of a priest-librarian, that day unfortunately away and with him the keys.  I broached the idea that while none of the paintings would be sold, it might be possible that if a few of the Mss could be sold the money could be used to maintain the Library. He said (and I could believe him) that they were marvellous and ranged from the SIXTH century onward.  I told him that one of the people I represented found that selling Mss was the solution for getting money to maintain his great house and that he was able to retain the house and the great paintings by selling ^[[these]] things which he had in some profusion; that Mss are not missed the way pictures are, etc. He said at first that he didnt think it possible but that he would talk to the Graf and would let me know.  I said I might be back (!) in Germany next week and if there were a chance, I would come back gladly to Pommersfelden to go over the Mss.  Later, I phoned him from Frankfurt and he said... "there might be a good possibility so call me up on Tuesday and I will tell you what the Graf decides."  This I shall certainly do.  I am assuming (rightly or wrongly) that you dont want to BUY any manuscripts and that we might arrange something like the Engel agreement, in order to get them.  If I am wrong