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TELÉFONO: 37 22 00

October 16th 1954

Dear Germain:

It is unnecessary at this time to go into the details of the disappointing ending of this safari.  I will say however, that last evening Mme. L. suddenly came up with the not improbable idea that Labat has [[underline]] never [[/underline]] had the exit permit...something he said yesterday makes her believe that the former purchaser could not secure the permit because the Govt. claimed that he had gotten two or three pictures out clandestinely and that only on payment of two million pesetas back taxes on them, could he get a permit for the General Panteleoni.  The American buyer has deposited the necessary pesetas with the N.Y. Correspondent of the Bank of Spain.  Up to now, it has not been returned to him!!!  You can see that if since July 23, it hasn't been returned, how hard it would be to get anything back if you were to have any difficulty.  Paying one red cent in advance would be a great mistake, as you have said so often.  The owner is still insisting that if you were to come to Madrid, after seeing the painting you would be very glad to comply with the requirements and take delivery here.  I am trying to find out whether in fact, the Govt does require payment before the painting or any painting leaves this country.  Mme. L, is not sure but that too is a bluff.  On the other hand, the owner has lost the sale if that is true, and he urgently wants to sell it as do the other co-owners.  He has spent hours of our time trying to persuade us that that is the only way.  He seems crushed by the failure....having agreed with three other members of the family in conference with us, to accept payment in N.Y. on examination by you and delivery.

I phoned Hans and have wired you that he has had a letter from Wilhelm.  If you want to see that letter, Jack could go to my apartment and secure it from my Alice, who is there, Monday, Wednesday and Friday mornings after  He would recognize the Vienna stamps and Hans address on the envelope.  Hans says we can visit the Altdorfers and the primitives, as well as the Baron Gerards.  He plans to visit (he says) the owner of the bronze, with a good social introduction.  However, we know Hans.  Jack could also ask Alice for any other letter from Vienna, namely the Sta Lucas Gal. who may have answered my letter.  It would be interesting to know what Dr. Hertzig has to offer, re Liechtenstein.

We looked at a French primitive yesterday, not exciting.  Also went to see a Petrus Christus, supposedly with a Friedlander certificate, promised for today.  Considerable repaint but Virgin and Child very fine.  Gown repainted.

[[preprinted]] A Hilton Hotel [[/preprinted]]