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[[image - Ritz Hotel logo, initials R H within a rectangle, caption, HYDE PARK 8181]]

Mch 25  Page 3

I told him what was on my mind, that I was anxious to see the Claude and he invited me up, said they would be glad to put me up for the night, etc etc. I asked where it is....he said about 80 miles from Manchester. I said I would phone him again on my return here from the Continent. I will then be in a position to ask him whether he has ever considered parting with it. (However the picture is 6Ft by 9 Ft 6 In. and I am wondering whether you have noticed that, as knowing how you figure big paintings in your gallery, it seems to me very unmanageable.) But I will proceed further on the assumption that you are aware of this and will see what he has to say. He could not have been more friendly and maybe he does want to part with it.

[[underlined]] Duchess de Lecera [[/underlined]] A letter from her son arrived today saying his mother had told him of my visit and regretting missing the chance to meet. Said please let him know a few days before my next visit so he would surely be there and so that we could exchange ideas. It does look favorable and perhaps should be followed up, as being the first real crack in the wall.

[[underlined]] GLASGOW, POLLOK HOUSE. [[/underlined]] From Edinburgh, went to Glasgow and spent two hours going around with Mr. Grant. Beautiful house and many good pictures. There must be 1000 acres around the house, truly a magnificent place. He says that he doen not believe for a moment that Mrs Maxwell-Macdonald would sell a picture as they have all been re-hung and re-numbered for a catalogue now printing. But that I could write her and ask about the Greco portraits, that she would certainly answer a letter, etc. The Woman's Portrait, he says they do not know who, is marvellous and hangs in the principal place over a mantel, as does the portrait of a man. The place is being thrown open to the public in another month, the more visitors the better they will like it. The Gerard portraits of Marat and Napoleons sister are hung high over doors, but are very good looking paintings. The two small Goyas, Children playing, are also fine and like the ones at Keir.

SEMCESEN: Am wondering what you thought of the photos etc.

I must turn in and be up at crack of dawn for the Basel plane.

Sincerely yours,
[[signed]] John [[/signed]]