Viewing page 172 of 207

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[[back of Hotel Frankfurter Hof letterhead]]

[[image - Cranach's Madonna and child painting with cherubim as sketched by J.J. Cunningham for Germain Seligman with handwritten notes to denote color and new paint]]

[[NOTE on top left background:
Drapery overpainted 
very dark and almost black
probably color in glaze- ]]

[[NOTE on top right background:
new over paint ]]

[[NOTE on Virgin's hair:
original hair
Hair original- ]]

[[NOTE on Virgin's hair or headscarf:
Repainted ]]

[[NOTE on Virgin's robe:
New Green Paint [[image-down arrows]] ]]

[[NOTE on Virgin's clothing next to child:
Soft Grey and soft shadows ]]

[[NOTE on Virgin's clothing next to child's leg:
Chinese lacquer red [[image-down arrow]] ]]

[[NOTE on Virgin's skirt, under child's foot:
HARSH GREEN SKIRT [[image-down arrows]] ]]

Transcription Notes:
See letter in previous pages for explanation of reason for this sketch.