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^[[Cunningham estate]]

January 19th, 1974

Dear Mr. Davidson;

Not having heard further from you since our exchange of letters, mine of October 23rd, and yours of November 1st, I assume, with regret, that you have received no special encouragement as regards the sale of the


from the collectorssyou intended contacting.

I do know that such negotiations are lengthy and I am thus still hoping that you will succeed.

However, if I am writing it is because I have in mind to sell this panel at auction. However, no decision has yet been reached by me in this respect, but I thought that I should advise you such an eventuality.

Had you on the other hand reached the conclusion that no further efforts on your part would lead to a sale, may I ask you to be good enough to return the documentation I forwarded as well as the color transparency.

With best greetings,

Sincerely yours,

Germain Seligman

Mr. Peter H. Davidson
1166 Second Avenue
New York, N.Y. 10021