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Mme. J. J. Marquet de Vasselot  3 Villa Madrid  Neuilly
The children are....... [[underlined]]Raymond[[/underlined]] (W.W.II, 1939-1945) ^[[the man to see]]
[[pencil underline]]3 Avenue Victor Hugo (XVI)[[/pencil underline]]

and Mme. Claude Carnot,
97 Blvd Malsherbes (VIII)
and Chateau de Preslos
[[pencil underline]]Cerny par La Ferte-Alais, S & O [[underlined]]Cerny 7[[/underlined]]^[[Tel.]][[/pencil underline]]
and Ctsse. Lionel de Tinguy du Pouët,
3 Villa Madrid, Neuilly
and Chateau de la Blotiére,
St. Michel-Mont-Mercure
[[pencil underline]]Vendée.  ^[[Tel.]][[underlined]]StMMM [[/underlined]] [[/pencil underline]]

Marquise de Vogüé (nee Pcsse Louise d'Arenberg) 2 Rue Fabert (VII) ^[[Tel.]][[pencil underline]]Sol 94-18[[/pencil underline]]
and Chateau de la Verrerie
Oizon, Cher.
The children are Melchior ([[underlined]]Marquis[[/underlined]] said to have gone into monastery)
[[underlined]]2 Rue Fabert[[underlined]]
Francois (possibly? the [[pencil underline]]new Marquis?[[/pencil underline]]) [[pencil underline]]Same address[[/pencil underline]]
Robert (the one arriving New York next week, 21st)
and [underlined]]four[[underlined]] others.

Count Georges de Vogüé Hotel de Vogue 8 Rue Babeuf Dijon (Cote d'Or) Tel [[underlined]]D.2[[underlined]]
and Domaine de Musigny, Chamballe-Musigny, (Cote d'OR)

Croy-Roeulx (LL. AA.SS.) Prince de  10 Avenue Foch(XVI) Passy 92-07
and Chateau de Roeulx, Hainaut, Belgique [[underlined]]R.-4[[/underlined]]

[[para marked by marginal bracket]]Cte & Ctsse de Charnacé,  9 Rue de Matignon  (VIII) [[underlined]]Elysee 0608[[/underlined]]  Tel.
and [[pencil underlined]]Chateau du Bois Montbourcher, [[/pencil underlined]] Chambellan, (M. & L.) [[underlined]]^ [[Tel.]]C.-7[[/underlined]]
[[pencil underlined]]The son is Cte. Guy de Charnace[[/pencil underlined]] 7 Rue Jean-Mermoz (VIII)
tel [[underlined]]Bal-6963[[/underlined]]
and [[pencil underline]]same Chateau[[/pencil underline]]
[[/para marked by marginal bracket]]
[[pencilled line across page]]

H.S.H. Prince von Waldburg zu Wolfegg und Waldsee, Schloss Waldsee, Wurtt. ^[[Hausbuch]]
[[pencilled line across page]]

H.S.H. Prince Oettingen-Wallerstein Schwaben nr Augsburg ^[[chief of family]]
[[pencilled ruled line across page]]

Duc de Broglie (and [[underlined]]Duchesse[[/underlined]]!) [[pencil underline]]27[[/pencil underline]] Rue Chateaubriand Paris (VIII) [[underlined]]Ely 20-29[[/underlined]]
and Chateau de Broglie, Broglie (Eure) [[underlined]]Tel #1[[/underlined]] Broglie
[[pencil underline]]and[[/pencil underline]] Chateau de Contenson par St.Just-en-Chevalet, Loire, [[underlined]]4[[/underlined]]
[[pencilled line across page]]

[[paragraph marked by marginal bracket]]
Marquise de Noailles, 10 Avenue de la Costa, Monaco Tel. [[strikethrough]]01849[[/strikethrough]] 01489 Monaco
also Chateau de Champlatreux (see below) 
and [[pencil underline]]her son Francois is the Duke[[/pencil underline]]......her daughter is Mquise de Pracontal

Duc de Noailles  41 Quai d'Orsay, Paris (VII) [[underlined]]Segur 96 59[[/underlined]]
and Chateau de Champlatreux, Epinay-Champlatreux par 
Lazarches, (S. & O.) [[underlined]]Laz. 1[[/underlined]]
[[/para marked by marginal bracket]]
[[pencilled line across page]]