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May 11th Page 2

I did not agree that the Pompeo Leoni would have a market at his suggested nett price, and we have not settled on whether it is sensible to send it over. I felt that by not appearing eager, he could do some thinking. There is nothing to be done about it until the Fall and there is plenty of time ad interim. If it comes to New York, I would recommend that the frame be left behind, as it is not particularly fortunate as now framed with an overly carved gold frame. It could be made to look very impressive, good enough for the Frick.

I flew back that night, arriving at midnight somewhat "bushed" by my nine hundred mile jaunt. And up at six to get an early train to keep my engagement with Captain Loyd at Wantage, about seventy miles by train.

2. [[underlined]]LOYD.[[/underlined]] I have wired you that the pictures are NOT available but the Davids [[underlined]]are[[/underlined]] superb. The Enchanted Castle however, is dark and covered with a yellow varnish. He is afraid to have it cleaned for he fears that Claude may have used color in his glaze, and he would not like to lose anything by cleaning. It is of course a fine picture and I'm sure could stand cleaning. I will not try to give you details now, but he made it [[underlined]]very[[/underlined]] clear that he intends to keep the pictures as long as he lives. They pulled down the large house and live in a smaller one on the eleven thousand acre estate, on which there are [[strikethrough]]eleven[[/strikethrough] five great herds of cattle, lumbering operations, a woodworking establishment, endless magnificent farms with farmers' houses, whole villages, (all paying rent)^[[;]][[underlined]]and[[/underlined]] every picture is beautifully placed. He said he is often asked for the Davids and that the French people are after the Claude constantly. Asked if I knew Blake G. and I said I used to know him but hadnt seen him for years. Molly was with him, and he liked both of them. I have sent ^[[[[underlined]]Loyd[[/underlined]]]] him a note thanking him deeply, and sent two hundred of his favorite cigarettes from Bond Street. (There I found that he buys them 500 at a time at a Guinea a hundred.) His mother was at lunch and asked whether I was stripping England of her art treasures????? I came away loaded with photographs which he pressed upon me, and I hope to have another go at him. After all, he did sell some pictures when he had to compress his collection. He was cordial in asking me to come back at any time, so I will take him up.

3. [[underlined]]THE POUSSINS.[[/underlined]] I am invited to call at 10 a.m. Friday on Miss RUTH FRY, Miss Marjorie being abroad for ten days more. They are sisters of Roger Fry. I am going, although Miss Ruth said she didn't think the Poussin was in her sister's apartment, next to hers. I'll investigate that and get the low down, anyway.