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May 11 page 3

Brigadier and Mrs Derek SCHREIBER are in the country, but tomorrow the superintendent is going to give me their country address. They have let their flat in town...he isnt sure where they live but their maid will tell him in the morning and he will phone me at seven thirty as my train for Liverpool goes at 8 a.m. 

[[underlined]] WELD BLUNDELL [[/underlined]] This may be a wild goose chase, but knowing your interest, I am taking the trip....four hours there and four back, plus a ten mile drive to the estate. I hope it may prove rewarding but something tells me that you are after the clou of their collection, and they probably make their living b admission half-crowns. The sale of the picture, on the other hand, would give them more than they could collect in gate fees in twenty years, without the nuisance of having people trooping in. Joost van Cleve also in my mind. 

[[underlined]] MERTON [[/underlined]] I called him, but he is away. I had a chat with Lady M. and she was very nice and asked me to come out when next I'd be in England. He was very firm about the Holbein when I last talked to him, and as he is rich and has a catalogue, it isn't likely that he would part with it. 

I asked in my late nightletter whether I should know what price the Ms brought....I assume fifty thousand... as if I mention it to Rottier, he is sure to ask, unless he has already been informed by you. Have you mentioned the enamels to him....and should I speak of them, as I think that ought to be your privilege, with the end you have in view. 

I will close this now and will report on the Weld-Blundell matter tomorrow night. I would like to hear that you are flying soon and as its only a three hour flight here from Brussels, I could join you here in Paris. 

With best wishes.....and hopes for No. 4.......

[[signature]] John [[/signature]]

John J. Cunningham

Germain Seligman, Esq., 
5 East 57th Street, 
New York 22, New York.