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Loyd "is here but in his bath!!!. call again at ten o'clock." I did and he answered. I told him I had arrived from New York but to my disappointment the Flemish Exhibition had closed....was most anxious to see many of the works shown....could I come to see his collection? He said yes, to come Monday, and have LUNCH. I demurred, but finally "allowed" myself to be persuaded. So He is meeting me at the station at 11 oclock Monday morning. I can take a train back from Wantage at 3:30. It is about seventy miles from London. He couldn't have been more attractive I allowing myself some optimism. (I have bought a Flemish Ex. Catalog!!!)

E. [[underlined]]Weld-Blundell:[[/underlined]] I have telephoned Mrs W-Blundell, find that the house is open to the public every day but Monday and Friday, have made a tentative arrangement to be there Wednesday, as Thursday she will be away....her husband there, however. I repeated "my regret at missing the Flemish Exhib"...asked whether the pictures were under the National Trust (innocently). She said...Good Lord NO, they are ours. So I'm now preparing to go to [[underlined]]Liverpool[[/underlined]] and by motor ten miles beyond...for what the adventure may bring...I know you want that Madonna...and so do I. I cant't quite imagine them selling it, however. Well, ???? we can at least have your mind set at rest.

F. [[underlined]]bis[/underlined]]Kaines Smith: He has either moved away from his old residence or maybe "moved permanently" to his final home. I shall try to get his man Shanley, but so far have failed. Will try again tomorrow. I shall also send a telegram today to his former address at Leamington Spa, but it may fail of delivery.

G Lord Radnor: I telephoned to The Lady Jeanne Petherick, his sister, with messages from her friends the Candler Cobbs in N.Y. and to renew former friendly relations myself. She suggested I cal Radnor and ask whether Saturday afternoon would be all right as she herself would be lunching there and we could go over from Salisbury together. I called him and he said he was so sorry but it would be very inconvenient as Longford Castle would be full of guests for the week-end. That settles that, and I had to call her back to advise her. She said she would talk with him.

H. ROTTIER: I called him at the Hague, was warmly greeted, etc. Told him you were delayed but that I had come over to keep an appointment in London....He said I am leaving for my cure of several weeks at Luxemburg. Could you come there, say about the 15th. I asked whether he would be ready to discuss the continuation of the agreement, and he said [[underlined]]by that time, yes.[[/underlined]] I asked whether he would say "favorably"....he said, we can best talk then. I asked where H.H. is and he said, presumably at the Villa. His secretary also talked in English, and said that he wished to postpone talking until we could meet, then gave me the address, hotel, etc. I have reserved a plane to Brussels-Luxemburg for Saturday the 15th arriving there at 2 p.m......but leaving London Airport TERMINAL at Waterloo Sta at [[underlined]]6:30 a.m.[[/underlined]] Phew! He seemed friendly enough, but it would be a decided advantage to announce another check for the princely till.

I. I have carefully noted Hessiche Treuhandverwaltung, etc and the Austrian authorities suggestion...for consideration in due time. I shall endeavor to get the address from the National Arts Coucil here who handled that exhibition, of the Watteau, etc, I mean. The Poussin situation is on my program too, both of the ladies having been lenders to that Exhibition. Have not spoken to Mrs. Blois re same