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^[[Oct. '69-]]

Senor Marques du Urquijo, Chm..
Banca de Urquijo,
Barguillo 1,
Madrid,  Spain.

Senor Marques:

I recall with pleasure and appreciation your kindness some few years ago when I presented a letter of introduction from Mr. William Herod, and the privilege you gave me of viewing the collection of paintings in your banking house.  The great Greco and the superb Goya of Florida Blanca remain especially in mind.

I have learned recently of the restoration of the ancient "House of the Seven Chimneys" and it's conversion into a private Museum for your works of art.  This must have given you personal pleasure and satisfaction since it provides a perfect setting for traditional paintings.

I am prompted to bring to your attention an impressive work by Bermejo from a princely collection which has been entrusted to me for sale.  Not only does it possess the deepest religious feeling but it's technical excellence is unsurpassed among the very few surviving paintings by Bermejo.  The magnificent coloring can only be suggested in a black-and-white photograph but were you to have an interest in acquiring the painting, a color transparency could be provided.

For a work of this extreme rarity and important size (0.98 x 1.225) the owner asks a moderate price of Seventy-five Thousand Dollars.  If Your Excellency agrees that the return to Spain of the masterpiece is very desirable, it is my hope that you would command me in effecting that purpose.

With assurances of my high regard, I am


Enclosure: Photograph     John J. Cunningham