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June 13, 1964

Dear John:

It was indeed pleasant to receive your letter of June 10th, reporting on your visit to the galleries and your meeting there with J.J.S.

I am of course glad to know that he reacted so favorably in the presence of the Primitive, though I think that it is quite outside his general field of interest. You know that I am a skeptic by nature if not even a pessimist, and am thus discounting the possible outcome. But nevertheless let's keep our fingers crossed, as pleasant surprises to happen at times.

You might be interested to learn that we are still working on the identification of the Battle Scene and I shall have to return to the Louvre for further comparisons. But do not expect any further developments or news from me in this respect before the latter part of September.

Your nice lines lead me to believe that you are well, which is happy news.

With kindest thoughts, as ever


Mr. John J. Cunningham
111 East 65th Street
New York 21, New York