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[[preprinted]] REGENT 7-9880

NEW YORK 21, NEW YORK [[/preprinted]]

June 10th., 1964

Dear Germain:

The news is that today I managed to arrange with James Johnson to come to your address at 11:30 a.m. and as I had forwwarned Mrs Parker, all was in readiness. James exclaimed with a pleased comment when Johnson drew back the curtains, and when the latter had gone, James J. walked up to the painting and said.....THAT IS INTERESTING and then said...That's a stupid comment to make....but I said....No I think it very appropriate as there are countless things of interest in the then he studied it at considerable length, asking among other questions, what re-painting had been done. I said that was something that you would be much better able to answer, but that my own idea is that surprisingly little has been restored, with possibly the blue dress of the Virgin being most likely. He said that that had struck him at once but that much of the rest of the picture was surprisingly original.....asked to see the top line under the frame (which was in some shadow from the overhang of the frame) and said"Oh, I can see that later."

He does not believe that Bermejo co ld have painted both this and the Barcelona one, but does not hold that against this one, as he is fascinated by the pattern, the design, the oblique line of the dead figure, etc. He thinks the Barcelona one is more sophisticated, more fluid in line, etc. But does not think the less of our picture. He stayed a good half to three-quarters of an hour and left only because he had to go to lower Seventh Avenue to visit a sculptor's studio. Tomorrow morning he goes to Houston and asked for a photograph to take with him to show a possible donor. Mrs Parker was of course, perfect, and when we went out and talked with her at her desk, she was charming, We mailed him the transparency and a black and white by airmail at once to be there on his arrival. He said...I will discount the color as I've seen the real color and know that this only approximates the richness, etc. As he had seen the original and was most interested I saw no reason to refrain from letting him show his friends the photos.

He asked the price and I told him 75 and that by the standards at which an ordinary Renoir (at $200,000.) is sold, this unique Sp. ptg. was indeed being offered at a modest price. No paintings coming out, etc....and that Sanchez Canton had said that it would be a valuable acquisition for the Prado but that they were low in funds and embarked on a great building and renovation program.

We shall see what he comes forth with. He is going to the Bienniale and stopping in Paris en route. I said he might encounter you at the Ritz....possibly. In conclusion, I think he is genuinely interested in having it donated....and why not?
Kindest regards,
[[signed]] John [[/signed]]