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RE 7-9880

June 5th., 1964

Dr. Rene Taylor, Director,
The Museum of Art,
Ponce,  Puerto Rico.

Dear Dr. Taylor:

I have read with interest the article in the New York TIMES by Grace Glueck, written with rare understanding and appreciation of the great contribution to the people of Puerto Rico being made by its distinguished citizen, Mr. Luis Ferre, and of which you are the Director.

The regulations against the exportation of national treasures in European collections, not the least rigid of which are those of Spain, make the availability of a great Spanish painting in New York truly remarkable.

It would be a privilege to show to Dr. Julius Held some time soon, a work of the greatest rarity, a magnificent DESCENT FROM THE CROSS by Bartolomeo BERMEJO (painted c. 1450) and of impressive size, 38 1/2" h. by 48 1/4" w.

Of this painting, which in natural course was offered to the Musee del Prado, the Director, Sr. Dr. Francisco Javier Sanchez Canton wrote......."The painting is interesting and it would, of course, be a valuable acquisition, but at this time there is a lack of resources" (due to costly alterations and reconstruction work). 

If you would be kind enough to suggest to Dr. Held that you have received this letter and that he telephone me, it would give me pleasure to arrange an appointment at his convenience. Let me add that I know that Mr. Luis Ferre would not wish any but the best in paintings and that this is worthy of his standard.

Sincerely yours,

John J. Cunningham