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May 25, 1964

Dear John:

By a strange coincidence I was just about to write you when I received your ple^[[a]]sant lines of May 22nd.

I do hope that the "keen interest" shown by your friend over the telephone will be maintained when faced with the painting. Do not fail of course to advise Mrs. Parker ahead of time.

You were asking me about Dr. Julius Held. I do know him. He is, as you correctly assume, a full professor at Columbia, but I believe you are erring as far as his having been a Director in San Francisco. I am wondering whether there is not a confusion in your mind with Walter Heil, who is the Director of the De Young Museum in San Francisco.

My purpose in writing you was to ask whether you could forward to me here in Paris the photographs which I believe I returned to you of the Battle Scene painting. I am under the impression that as I told you an art historian I had written to in this connection has some ideas on the topic, but of course would need prints for this purpose. 

You will recall that life in Paris can also be hectic--hence may I count upon your goodness to excuse the shortness of these lines. Do keep in good shape, and with kindest regards,


Germain Seligman

John J. Cunningham, Esq.
111 East 65th Street
New York 21, New York