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REGENT 7-9880

Friday May 22, 1964

Dear Germain:

A brief note to say I trust you are well and enjoying as pleasant a streak of good weather as we.

I have been calling J.J.S. for days at 120 East End Ave. always getting no answer. This morning in a final effort ere departing for Glens Falls, I gave a ring and he answered, saying he was just off the plane from, of all places PARIS. I said I thought he was in Australia and le laughed and said...oh that was last month.

I told him that Dr. Barker had reported to me the kind and thoughtful gift of a photograph of ^[[ [[underline]]his[[/underline]] ]]gift of his ^[[([[underline]]own[[/underline]])]] portrait bust by NOGUCHI.....which I had engineered. S. said..."evidently the Doctor has not yet received a copy of the catalogue with the bust reproduced therein....and I'll send him one and you (me) one." He is most appreciative.

I then told him I wanted to show him the Bermej. and he showed ^[[ [[underline]]KEEN[[/underline]] ]]interest in seeing it.  He is going to Boston Monday for a jury thing and back Tuesday evening. I am to call him Wednesday morning and we go together to see the ptg. He spoke several times of his interest in paintings of the school. Regretted their rarity, etc.

I said that he might possibly have a generous person who would like to give it and he said that with the changes in the tax law coming July first, he is pressing people to give now. I must investigate what those changes will you know?  So Wednesday we will have a good look. I told him that I have an interest in the ptg and would appreciate his coming, etc.  Naturally I shall talk the sum we agreed on at lunch a few days ago.  I will report so soon as possible.

Kindest regards,

[[signed]] John [[/signed]]

How friendly are you with JULIUS HELD, who is NOW, I believe, a professor at Columbia. Is the not the former director in San Francisco? My question is based on INTEREST NOT CURIOSITY.
J. ^[[J.]]

^[[Will advise?]]
^[[Tues 8. ______]]