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June 11, 1962

Dear John:

The considerable delay in acknowledging your nice note of May 27th is due to a lack of "girl power". Fortunately Miss Betty Morrison's arrival --she wishes to breathe the fresh air of Paris streets so different from New York ones-- remedies this situation, and I hasten to thank you for the information you conveyed.

The letter from Vaduz--by the way, I did not receive the photostat you intended mailing and which is really unnecessary-- is as eloquent as the silence from the Gothic lady, if I may express myself in this manner. The Vaduz note, or should I say the situation it reflects, is and will remain a mystery to me in view of the lack of love for his aesthetic possessions that the prince has shown right along, and therefore why should he remain particularly attached to these two sculptures which he hasn't seen for some many years? Now as to the other parties involved I have not any opinion either--so many explanations could come to one's mind which would cover many pages.

Be this as it may, I do hope that these negative answers have not upset you too much and that you are well and enjoying pleasant week-ends in Glens Falls where it must be sunny and cool at the same time. For my part, in spite of a terrific amount of work I am altogether rather disappointed with my findings. Do keep well, and with kindest thoughts,
As ever yours,

Germain Seligman

Mr.John J. Cunningham
111 East 65th Street, Apt. 23
New York 21, New York