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April 12, 1961

Dear John, 

As agreed, you will find herein photostat of the letter from Mr. A. J. Cefaratti, Commerical Attache at the American Embassy, Madrid, of March 22, 1961.

Should you really intend sending it to our congressman, may I inquire with what comments you will forward it to him? If he should be apprised of the difficulties the Spanish Government still raises - and this evidently contrary to the agreement reached with the Department of State - on the other hand, I would not want it to be considered as blaming the American Embassy or/and Mr. Cefaratti, who might really have tried his best.....How do you feel about this?

Sincerely yours,

Germain Seligman

John J. Cunningham, Esq.
111 East 69th Street
New York 21, N. Y.

Encl. (1)