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that he will write a letter to Mr. Hughes outlining the general scope and objective of the study and suggested that such a letter could form the basis of a public announcement of Mr. Hughes' engagement and the scope of the study at an appropriate time.

To recapitulate, the Audit and Review Committee, through Senator Jackson and with the assistance of Mr. Hughes, will:

-- Define the scope of the study to be undertaken by Mr. Hughes;

-- Acquaint the Appropriations Subcommittees with the scope of the study in an effort to obviate unnecessary duplication and to provide for full cooperation in relation to other studies and inquiries;

-- Engage such staff to assist Mr. Hughes as he deems necessary, and provide for space and other necessities; and

-- Make recommendations to the Executive Committee.

The following motion was considered and approved:

VOTED that the Board of Regents authorizes the Executive Committee to engage Mr. Phillip S. Hughes as management consultant to develop a study plan for the review of the Smithsonian Institution structure, with full responsibility and authority to act on behalf of the Audit and Review Committee in pursuing this study. Authority is also vested in the Executive Committee to do all things necessary to implement the functions of the Audit and Review Committee under the chairmanship of Senator Jackson.

The Chancellor and Mr. Webb agreed that Senator Jackson and the other members of the Committee were handling the matter very efficiently and were pleased with the help received from their assistants.