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Honorable Robert C. Byrd
April 26, 1977
Page 2

I think Secretary Ripley's suggestion is well taken. Such an independent study will be recommended to the Board of Regents. The Audit Review Committee feels as I do, that an independent study by a qualified consultant would be very helpful to the Congress, the Smithsonian itself, and the public generally. In view of the heavy Federal investment in its facilities and the Institution's increasingly heavy reliance on appropriated funds for its operations, the Smithsonian has taken on a predominantly Federal character. Its full accountability and responsiveness to the Congress must be assured. The proposed study should clearly define the Smithsonian's charter and determine whatever new legislation may be desirable to assure its responsiveness as a Federal instrumentality. As Secretary Ripley points out, the objective should be to identify opportunities for improvement while, at the same time, preserving the unique qualities that have made the Smithsonian such a source of national pride and achievement.

The study to be undertaken by the Board of Regents will require time. In the meantime, the Smithsonian's programs--including the special activities administered by the Smithsonian Research Foundation and the Smithsonian Science Information Exchange--must go forward. We are well along in the appropriations process. In view of the proposed study and the determination of the Smithsonian to work with your Subcommittee to resolve the present problems, it is my hope that your Subcommittee will be able to maintain the status quo and provide appropriations for these important programs from Fiscal Year 1978. It is important that as we work to respond to the questions that have been raised, the very valuable programs of this great institutions should not be impaired.

[[signed]]Henry M. Jackson[[/signed]]
Henry M. Jackson
