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- Management responsibilities of top staff; adequacy of administration of the Institution

- Assessment of Smithsonian effectiveness in fulfilling its mission (emphasis on the period 1964 to present)

- Plans for future development (discussion of program and facility needs)

Statutory Authorities Pertaining to Smithsonian Activity

- Coverage of current legislation, an assessment of its adequacy, and requirements for new legislation

- Special requirements for the effective management of research and education programs

- Necessary measures to conserve the nature of the Institution

Financial Management

- Policy governing financial decisions on the uses of federal and trust funds (separately and in conjunction with federal funds)

- Establishment of guidelines for reprogramming federal appropriations

- Procedures for advising the OMB and the Congress of trust fund activity requiring significant future federal expenditures

- Presentation of trust fund budget forecasts

- Description and uses of restricted and special purpose trust funds

- Regents review of federal appropriation requests

- Desirability of annual audit of the Institution's federally appropriated funds by an independent public accounting firm

Other Matters

- The legal, fiscal, and practical nature of the Smithsonian's various property holdings in land, building, and collections (especially with reference to sources of acquisition funds versus disposition of proceeds from sales of property)