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Observatory performs extensive scientific research work in support of NASA's mission. Smithsonian curators or scientists act as principal investigators under many of these grants and contracts, but, in cases of Federal employees, receive no additional compensation from the grants or contracts themselves. Where the grant or contract provides for additional assistance to carry out the project, such employees are hired on the trust fund roll to perform the services stipulated in the particular grant or contract. The contract or grant may also include funds for supplies, equipment, travel and other incidental expenses. Such grants and contracts include provision for paying the indirect costs of administering them. The employees, for the most part, are appointed for a limited term, usually limited to the period of the contract or grant. Some 7 percent of employees, or 303, are directly employed under grants and contracts. The grants and contract funds are administered by the Institution in its capacity as a trust organization and are accounted for separately within the trust fund accounts.

[[underline]] Smithsonian Trust Funds [[/underline]] 

[[underline]] Restricted Purpose Funds [[/underline]] - These funds, derived from restricted gifts, bequests, grants, endowment funds, and miscellaneous fund raising activities for individual museum programs, must be and are used exclusively for the purposes specified. Trust fund income from the Freer endowment, for example, supports a substantial portion of the costs of the Freer Gallery of Art. Restricted purpose gifts and other income have been received for such projects as the recent banking