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[[underline]] Museum of African Art [[/underline]]

The Chancellor recalled that Dr. Haskins had agreed to chair a subcommittee of the Regents established to study the desirability of the Smithsonian acquiring the Museum of African Art. He also recalled that there was a general feeling among the Regents that we should be governed largely by what the Members of the House and Senate thought about this.

Dr. Haskins, Chairman of the [[underline]] ad hoc [[/underline]] Committee of the Board of Regents, had sent out in advance of the Executive Committee meeting a report unanimously recommending acquisition of the Museum, with four stated conditions (attached). The report had been approved as written by Dr. Haskins, Senator Goldwater and Mrs. Boggs. Judge Higginbotham also expressed his agreement with the report, adding that he is sufficiently in favor of acquiring the Museum to recommend further that if the Smithsonian were not to receive an adequate appropriation for the Museum's operating costs, the Institution consider reprogramming Federal funds from lower priority Smithsonian activities rather than cancelling the acquisition outright.

Consideration of the summary of the report revealed that the proposed resolution was intended to set up a mode of action without trying to put in any time factors at this time.