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Senator Jackson suggested that the Regents might say that the resolution and report were received and discussed and deferred to the next meeting.  He stated that the procedures which will develop from the Audit and Review Committee report and recommendations are relevant to this matter of starting a project with private funds and then requesting Federal funds to support it.

Mr. Webb proposed a change in the resolution which could authorize the Secretary to enter into an agreement with the Museum of African Art for a joint presentation of a request for authorization so that the terms and conditions might be settled under which the Museum authorities will jointly present to the Congress a request that the Smithsonian be authorized to undertake this Museum.

Mr. Higginbotham felt that a joint presentation could possibly cause us to have political problems.

Mr. Haskins advised the Board that he had received a letter from Mr. Warren Robbins, dated May 11, 1977, stating that Mr. Robbins is reconsidering some of the arrangements the Committee had discussed as possibilities.

Mrs. Boggs commented that in the letter received from Mr. Robbins are some of the objections that he still has to our conclusions.  Mr. Robbins pointed out why the Museum, as is, should be kept intact geographically and also as an institution.