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[[underline]] Illustrative Chronology of Actions Pertaining to the Acquisition of the Museum of African Art [[/underline]]

May 1977 - Board of Regents considers acquisition under the stated conditions. If approved, the 

May - June 1977 - Smithsonian staff negotiates wording of draft Agreement with officials of Museum of African Art. If agreement is reached, then 

July 1977 - Congressional Regents introduce Concurrent Resolution in House and Senate. 

August 1977 - Agreement is signed, to go into effect only upon Congressional approval and receipt of adequate appropriation.

September 1977 - Smithsonian submits its Fiscal Year 1979 budget request to the Office of Management and Budget, including approximately $800,000 for the Museum of African Art, alerting OMB to the pending Concurrent Resolution and our hopes for its passage within the year. 

1977-1978 - Concurrent Resolution is considered by both Houses. If approved, and if 

Aug.-Sep., 1978 - Appropriations are enacted for Fiscal Year 1979, then 

October 1, 1978 - Smithsonian assumes responsibility for the Museum of African Art