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[[underline]] PART B. ACCOMPLISHMENT REPORT [[/underline]]

I. List each objective and action item from previous Equal Employment Opportunity Plan and show extent to which the action item was accomplished and reasons for any action items not accomplished.

II. EEO Complaint Processing

[[four column table]]
Type of Action | Number received | Number processed to completion | Avg. no. of days to complete
  | 13 | 7 | 254 |
Decision on Merits |   | 2 | 75 
Cancellation |   |   |   
Rejection |   | 5 | 218 
Withdrawal |   |   |   
Total | 13 | 7 | 254 
[[/four column table]]

III. Upward Mobility

a. Total number of position vacancies filled competitively below GS-10 and equivalent in all series and from all sources [[underline]] 316 [[/underline]]

b. Number of employees below GS-9 or equivalent who participated in one or more upward mobility program activities and who were promoted or reassigned into:

(1) the same occupational series [[underline]] 7 [[/underline]]

(2) a different occupational series [[underline]] 16 [[/underline]]

c. Number of employees below GS-9 or equivalent who participated in one or more upward mobility programs but who were neither promoted nor reassigned [[underline]] 21 [[/underline]]