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Part D. - [[underline]] Planned Affirmative Actions [[/underline]]

II. Discrimination Complaints

[[four column table]]

[[underline]]Objective[[/underline]] | [[underline]]Actions[/[underline]] | [[underline]]Responsible Official[[/underline]] | [[underline]]Target date [[/underline]]

A. To reduce the time for processing EEO complaints from the current average of 254 days per case to less than 180 days per case, by March 1, 1977. | 1. Implement training of 3 additional EEO Investigators by December 15, 1976. | Director, OEO | June, 1977
| | |
Director, OEO | 2. EEO Officers will issue Proposed Disposition letter to Complainant within 14 days of receipt of EEO complaint investigative record from the Office of Equal Opportunity. | Director, OEO | December 1977 
| | |
  | 3. Frequent communication with CSC following Hearing to obtain Examiner's recommended decision, including written follow-up if Hearing Examiner recommended decision not received within 60 days following conclusion of Hearing | Director, OEO | December 1977