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III [[underline]] Recruitment [[/underline]]

[[begin four column table]]
[[underline]] | Objective | Actions | Responsible Official | Target date | [[/underline]]
| A. To hire and promote more minorities and women at GS-13 and above / Director, OPersA | 1. Concentrate efforts to employ minorities in occupations listed in chart 4, particularly in library field where turnover and availability indicate a change could be realized quickly. | Bureau Heads / Director OPersA / Director, OEO | Aug. 31, 1977 |
|   | 2. Before recruitment action is taken to fill a vacancy at grade levels 13 and above or in any of the occupations on chart 3, the vacancy will be reviewed by the bureau head or office director advertising the vacancy; a special recruitment plan will outline the steps to be taken to locate minority and women candidates.  The offices of Personnel Administration and Equal Opportunity will actively assist in developing this plan, and will review with the supervisors the qualifications required for each position.  This review will assure the elimination of qualifications which are unnecessary and which might inhibit competition by minorities and women. | Bureau Heads / Directors | June 30, 1977 |

Transcription Notes:
Because of limitations of piped tables, I replaced some hard returns within columns with slashes (/) to denote line break in original page.