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[[underline]] STRICTLY CONFIDENTIAL [[/underline]] March 17th., 1939.

[[underline]]RE: ESTATE OF CLARENCE H. MACKAY [[/underline]]

Dear Mr. Hannen:

I have just been retained by the attorneys of the Estate of the late Clarence H. Mackay to advise them as to the disposal of that famous collection. 

I have discussed with them the different eventualities and possibilities and among them I have suggested that a part of the collection of armor and weapons be put up at auction in your galleries. 

The main part of the collection, for the time being at least, will be sold privately here. 

Now I am wondering whether it would interest you sufficiently, to have some one from your firm come over here and study this problem. The more so as I am really unable with the considerable amount of work I have in connection with cataloguing and listing the whole collection, to be able to give you a good enough picture of that part of the collection which I suggest auctioning in London, and furthermore would be unable to give you any sort of valuation on them.

Such a sale would have to take place this season, I suppose in late Jue, ignoring of course the possibility of an international conflict.

You must realize fully that such a trip would be entirely at your own risk and expense, as my suggestion has in no way been endorsed by the attorneys.

The other side of the picture is that should we have such an auction and should it prove to be a success, I do not see any reason why at a later date a more important part, including also items of a different nature, - perhaps not as large in number but more valuable - if not sold here, might not follow.

I trust that in such a matter you would reserve for my firm the financial advantages you gave me in the Mortimer L. Schiff venture.

Upon receipt of this letter I would be much obliged to you if you could
