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October 8th, 1956

Dear Sir Alec:

While I was in Europe a few days ago, on a very short trip, it was my intention to call on you in London.

Unfortunately, an attack of grippe compelled me to alter my plans and I was thus deprived of the pleasure of seeing you.

While I was in Paris, I called on Mrs. G. GRUBER - 5, rue du Regard, Paris 5^[[underline]]eme[[/underline]], - the daughter of the late famous French playwright and author Henri Bernstein.  She inherited (he was also a well-known collector) a number of works of art, among them some very fine Italian 18th Century paintings, some French moderns, and a group of high quality pieces of English furniture, Chippendale.

Mrs. Gruber, I gather from the short conversation I had with her, has as yet made no plans as to whether she will keep all, or part with some of these works of art.

Be this as it may, I took the liberty of expressing my opinion, in case she should decide to sell some of them.  Namely, that an auction with your firm would be the best means to obtain good results.

I can well understand the indecision in her mind as to what steps to take, however, I ventured to say that if I had an opportunity of seeing you - as it originally was my intention - I would suggest to you that you send her an adequate expert to give her a fair idea of valuations.  These might help her to make up her mind.

As I said above, I have her permission to broach this subject to you, it being well understood of course, [[underline]] that this will entail no expense to her, and that she would remain free to act in whichever way she may choose by and by [[/underline]].

Should such a procedure be agreeable to you, you are at liberty to write to Mrs. Gruber, using my name as an introduction.

Do let me hear from you on this topic in due time.

With best personal regards,

Sincerely yours,

Germain Seligman

Sir Alec Martin,
Christie, Manson & Woods.,Ltd.,
8 King Street, St. James'
London, S. W. 1,
