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8, King Street,
St. James's,
London, S.W.1.


7th November, 1956.

Dear Mr. Seligman,

In the absence of my father, who has gone into Bart's Hospital for four days for a check-up, I am writing to thank you for your letters to him of 29th October and 2nd November last.

We have discussed with our bankers, who are Lloyds in St. James's Street, the question of the importation from France of the two pictures and the Limoges triptych which you mention.  We understand from them that the Bank of England will be prepared to make an exception in this case from the rule that proceeds of sales must be paid back to the country whence immediate export has been made so that we shall be able to pay the proceeds of the sale in U.S. Dollars.  They have warned us, however, that we cannot take this case as a precedent for the future.

The documents you sent us in regard to the marble head should be perfectly adequate for importation into this country.

We should be much obliged if you would kindly let us know when we may expect the arrival of all these works of art here in England.

Yours sincerely,
[[signature]] W. A. Martin [[/signature]]

Germain Seligman, Esq.,
Messrs. Jacques Seligmann & Co., Inc.,
5, East 57th Street,
New York 22.

Transcription Notes:
W.A. Martin: listed on Christies' letterhead and son of Alec Martin.