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provements at the site of the Fair, other than the cost of the land:

General grading contract, involving the moving of approximately 7,000,000 cubic yards of material, to be completed not later than April 1, 1937........$2,186,185

Demolition of buildings, treatment and spreading of meadow mat, tidal gate and dam, grading and paving of parking field, and engineering expense........1,779,618

Marginal storm sewers, east and west of Flushing Meadows Park........4,000,000

Lowering Grand Central Parkway Extension, landscaping and engineering...... [[underlined]]288,395[[/underlined]]

[[double underlined]]$8,254,1980[[/double underlined]]

In addition, the State of New York has appropriated $1,880,000 for the construction of roads and bridges in and about the Fair area, and $250,000 for the construction of a boat basin in Flushing Bay adjacent to the Fair site. It is hoped that the State will appropriate an addition $1,950,000 for highways in the Park area.

Governmental appropriations are being sought for dredging the channel from deep water in the East River to the boat basin in Flushing Bay, bulkheading and harbor improvements, and for other public developments beneficial to the Fair area.

A Committee on Architecture and Physical Planning and a Board of Design have completed a functional layout of the Fair Grounds and are prepared to supervise all standards of construction and design in both buildings and landscaping, whether built by the Fair Corporation or by exhibitors and concessionaires. The members of the Committee on Architecture and Physical Planning are Percy S. Straus, Chairman, F. Trubee Davison, Cleveland E. Dodge, Cornelius F. Kelley, George McAneny and William Church Osborn. The members of the Board of Design are Stephen F. Voorhees, Chairman, Gilmore D. Clarke, William A. Delano, Jay Downer, Robert D. Kohn, R. H. Shreve and Walter Dorwin Teague.

Architects have been retained by the Fair Corporation for the Administration Building which will be the first Fair building to be erected on the site. It is expected that its construction will commence next January and be completed next August.

Under the general management of W. Earle Andrews, who, prior to entering the employ of the Fair Corporation, was General Superintendent of the New York City Park Department and had charge of the design and construction of Jones Beach, a staff of more than 200 architects, engineers, and clerical personnel has been established with headquarters at the Empire State Building.

The President of the United States has officially extended to foreign governments invitations to participate in the Fair and the Fair Corporation has been assured that a bill will be presented to the next Congress providing an appropriation to cover the cost of a Federal exhibit, as well as permanent harbor improvements in Flushing Bay, near the site of the Fair.
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CAREFUL estimates by engineering experts in exhibition production indicate that there will be a minimum attendance of 40,000,000 at
